I am sure you all have heard of Fashion Week, but have you ever heard of Wool Week?
Last week London was overrun with sheep themed celebrations and events to mark the very firstNational Wool Week; an initiative headed by Prince Charles to help struggling sheep farmers and the wool industry by raising awareness of the vast beneficial qualities of the fleecy fabric.
On Monday 11th October, Flocks of sheep invaded London’s renowned tailoring district, Savile Row, blocking off all traffic for a ‘country field day'. The street also presented the public with an exhibitionby R Cledhill; the British woolen yarn spinners whose yarns create the cloth that is used by Savile Row tailors to create their bespoke suits.
Over fifty fashion and interior brands supported the cause and many dedicated their store windows for the week to create special wool themed displays. The Lyle and Scott store in Covent Garden Piazza displayed four brightly colour sculptures of the woolly creatures with their traditional Golden Eagle logo stamped on their rump, whilst Selfridges did one better by dying a real flock of sheep their signature sunny yellow, which were released outside the department store’s front doors.
Wool week may have come to an end but it’s not too late to get involved in such a good cause; simply get wrapped up for winter in your snug jumper dress and chunky knit scarves and support the wool industry!