Saturday, 22 August 2009


I first came across 20 year old, Josefine Jinder, a.k.a Little Jinder, about a year ago, shortly after the release of her debut EP ‘Polyhedron’ signed by New York label, Trouble and Bass Recordings. A remixed version of the record followed a couple months after which included baseline bangers from artists/DJs/producers such as AC Slater and Drop The Lime (T&B Crew)… *Download DTL’s mix of ‘Eat My Fears’: it’s amazing!*

Since then her success in her Scandinavian homeland has flourished, with a rising fan-base in NYC also. Her music style, to me, sounds typically Swedish; by that I mean its poppy-club-electronica sound is rather reminiscent of fellow Swedes; Robyn and Royksopp.

Apparently after recording single ‘Youth Blood’ last year, Little Jinder discovered she had enough motivation, inspiration and ideas to create a full length debut album, which she is currently working on and should be on release at the beginning of next year.