The Strokes or should I say ‘Venison’ played a secret gig in Camden’s Dingwall last night: their first in the UK for over 4 years, sold out in seconds… I was one of the fortunate few who managed to scoop up a ticket (and keep it, unlike the many that were circulating the Internet afterwards, selling for an astonishing £800 on ebay!!!)
Ok guys, so in order to tell you how AMAZING this gig was, I also have to tell you something pretty gross… I have literally never been so hot in my life: so much so that by the end, probably around the time the band were playing hits Last Night and Under Control, the crowds’ vapoured sweat was actually dripping from the ceiling. I was near the sound booth and couldn’t help noticing the techys using towels and even people’s coats to frantically try and wipe of the brown drips that were raining down on to the equipment. Julian’s hair went from a reasonable fluffy do to a flat moist mess-but of course he still rocked it… it most likely had something to do with the studded leather he remained wearing, even through out the sweat fest.
But don’t think that it wasn’t all worth it because it truly was! I think even the band was astonished at the buzz of the night stating that ‘this is crazy!’
The guys played a string of their biggest hits, including one of my favourite ever songs, Hard to Explain, but no new material, despite rumours that a long-awaited fourth album has been completed.
The big night even attracted other big rock stars such as Coldplay, The Libertine’s Carl Barat and Luke Pritchard from the Kooks who were hidden amongst excited fans in the crowd.
So I am guessing a comeback tour is in the pipeline, well I bloody hope so… I would definitely LOVE to see the guys play live again!